E C C L E S I A S T I C A L. E M B R O I D E R Y
E C C L E S I A S T I C A L. E M B R O I D E R Y
Drawing of the artist Per Kirkeby
Chasubles to the church : Frejlev in Jutland
Back of the embroided chasuble
Front ad back of the embroided Chasubles
Chasubles & antependium
to the cathedral of Helsingør - Artist: Per Kirkeby
Chasubles to the cathedral of Ribe
Artist : Puk Lippmann
Silk embroidery on chasuble for the church Vor Frelser in Copenhagen
Designer: Rikke Salto & collaboration with Selskabet for Kirkelig Kunst
Foto from the catalogue - fotograf: Ole Arkhøj
The silk embroidery on organza had subsequently been applicated on the fabric with the gold embroidery maked by embroiderist Lizzi Damgaard
Sketch for chasuble to the Hellig Kors church in Copenhagen
Artist: Sebastian Jørgensen
Sketch: Sebastian Jørgensen
Embroidery skech 1:4
Apple - detail 1:1
Detail of trunk 1:1